The Milestone Financial Planning Experience
Our team is methodical in our approach. We provide on-going evaluations and adjustments specifically tailored with your financial goals in mind.
Creating a Vision for your Future
Before we delve into financial planning, our initial step is getting to know you on a personal level. What are your hopes and dreams for your future, and how can we help make them a reality? We recognize that each client’s situation and objectives are unique, and understanding your “why” is paramount to creating a tailored plan. Financial planning is about more than just crunching numbers. It starts with a conversation about what matters most to you.
Turning your Vision into a Plan
After gaining insight into your vision for your future, we transition to the second step of our journey: data collection and analysis. This stage resembles a financial health check-up. We gather data to understand your current financial position. We request documents surrounding your investment accounts, tax returns, estate planning, savings, income, and insurance policies, among other things.
Once we have all the information, we transform those numbers into a clear picture of your current standing. This analysis lays the foundation for our financial roadmap. With that roadmap in hand, we can design strategies and select techniques to navigate the path towards your ideal future.
Updating your Plan Along the Way
Just like life, your financial journey is not static. As your circumstances, values, and goals change, so must our financial strategies. We believe less in building rigid financial plans and more in the act of ongoing financial planning.
The world around us is constantly shifting – markets fluctuate, economies transform, laws are revised, and new financial planning strategies emerge. That is why we are dedicated to ongoing financial planning. We stay abreast of these changes and strive to can keep you informed about how these larger shifts might impact your personal financial landscape, so you can focus on living a more ideal life. In this everchanging journey, we are your steadfast guides, helping you achieve your goals and dreams.
A More Complete Experience
Our financial planning professionals coordinate the work between your tax, insurance, legal and estate planning advisors to help facilitate the implementation of their advice and identify circumstances when you will need to reach out to them. We can maintain copies of all your significant documents, so we can coordinate the financial, legal and tax implications of significant events in your life.